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Song of the Moment

Beautiful Night by the Burden Brothers:

It's a beautiful night for feeling lonely
A beautiful night for being afraid
So raise your hands, you one and onlys
You one of a kinds who feel this way

I don't want to talk, don't want to explain it
I don't want to (exp.) and I don't want to fight
It's only a feeling, it's fleeting and fading
It's all over the world and it's only tonight
It's a beautiful night
a beautiful night to be here

It's the perfect time for being wasted
The perfect time to watch the stars
So throw back your head, come on embrace it
It's a beautiful night wherever you are
It's a beautiful night
a beautiful night to be here

All good things will come to you
And maybe tonight it's the truth, I don't know
And all good things to those who dream
Maybe tonight we'll find peace, god I hope so
So raise your hands, raise your hands

All good friends who stood by you
One at time they fall down, they fall down
And all your fears are coming true
And this is the time of your life that defines you
So raise your hands, raise your hands

Under the stars I'm alone among strangers
Confused, connected, diffused and alive
Maybe the future will smile on us
Maybe the future is smiling tonight
It's a beautiful night
a beautiful night to be here

2nd place Song of the Moment

Here is another awsome song by the same band called Buried in Your Black Heart, read the lyrics & stuff.

Way down, buried in your black heart
I found the part of you I fell for
Smiling in the dark you're like a spark
You light my soul on fire
Holding out your hand you understand
That I am sick with desire

Why do I fall for you
I think I'm getting iller now
Every time you come around

Wasted, all our time together
Chasing every brand of pleasure
Lying at your side, eyes open wide
My heart and mind, all vacant
No one has a clue just what you do to me
It's truly magic

Why do I fall for you
I think I'm getting iller now
Everytime you come around

Why do I fall for you